5 Quick, Simple Ways to Feel Less Frazzled


Do you ever have days when you’re so frazzled that you feel like a cartoon character, spinning in full circles till you’re left wobbling dizzily, then crashing?

Me too. Sometimes I enact my inner Tom & Jerry crazy character with the best of them. It’s no fun.

Given the demands of modern life, we might can feel like this at any time, but add in The Insane Year 202 and the month before Christmas? It’s frazzle on steroids,

But good news. I have help.

If you try any one of these five steps, it will almost certainly noticeably reduce your sense of overwhelm. Seriously. And each of them is simple, doable, straightforward, and adds exactly zero minutes to your day.

Without further ado, here are the 5 quick, simple things to reduce your frazzle:

  1. Turn off your phone for at least one hour (completely off! No cheating.)

  2. Go for a walk outside for 10 minutes, and leave your phone at home.

  3. Tackle one task on your to-do list for exactly 30 minutes, using an actual timer. Be ruthless and make yourself work on only that task, for the full time.

  4. In the morning, write down the three things you most want to get done that day. Then work on accomplishing only those.

  5. Put your phone in the glove box while you’re driving, and leave the radio off too.

Try them. Try one a day for 5 days. See what happens.

You might have noticed that most of the five had to do with your phone, and that’s no accident. Our phone is the number one thing in our modern life that has the power to amp us up. It can make us feel rushed, behind, driven, frantic. When we take control of it, we find we can tap into the inner quiet we need to ground basic peace.

Here’s to all of us experiencing less frazzle and more peace this season (and always)!

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